Thursday, April 26, 2007

Read 'em and Weep - Scott Butki on books we should have loved

Great summary of the most over-hyped books in recent(ish) memory - including Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Life of Pi, and (snort) The Celestine Prophecy.

I 'dugg' an article for the first time (is dugg the past tense of 'digg'?) and couldn't find an appropriate category so filed it under "Science - Space." That should get some chins wagging. (See article below; digg tried to insist it had already been dugg - they're having difficulty distinguishing between "Read IT and Weep" and "Read 'Em and Weep" obviously.)

The article was from Blogcritics - another first - hadn't seen that site before. Where have I been? Reading books, I guess. Speaking of reading: Geraldine Brooks' March was quite wonderful - weakened somewhat in the last third by her decision to suddenly present Mrs. March as the narrator, when the first two thirds of the novel were all told from Mr. March's point of view. Based on Louisa May Alcott's father rather than her husband (Little Women was fairly autobiographical apparently), I was astonished to discover her dad had 'invented' recess. Children everywhere need to know this. And Greg Hollinghead's Bedlam was quite wonderful too, a fictional account of tea merchant James Tilly Matthews, confined to a notorious lunatic asylum in the late 18th, early 19th centuries for his attempts to prevent war between France and England shortly after the French Revolution.

read more | digg story

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