Thursday, April 26, 2007

Is nothing sacred? I mean, original?

Just a quick note to say I had no idea I'd borrowed my blog title from Primo Levi, whose book I haven't read. Technically, of course, the book was written as Se non ora, quando? (in 1982). Not sure when it was translated into English as If Not Now, When?

I don't think, from what I read about it on Wikipedia, that he meant the same thing as I did by asking the question. For me, it occurred to me when I was 40ish and was first willing to admit to being middle aged (I don't aspire to living to 100), that the fundamental question of middle age is precisely that: If not now, when? If I really want to do this and I haven't yet done it, when am I going to get around to it? From what I've read in the new specialty women's magazines for the menopausal, such as More, the question occurs to a lot of people at this stage of life. I read a hilarious article at the hairdresser's a couple of years ago about crossing things off one's 'to do' list - regardless of whether one had done them or not. One woman let herself off the hook on the bungie jumping front because she wasn't willing to risk spraining an ankle.

Anyway, my posthumous apologies to Primo Levi. The title of this blog was not intended to be any sort of homage, reference, or mockery of him, his work, or his life. Just another case of synchronicity, great minds thinking alike, fools seldom differing....

1 comment:

Michael said...

With all that is written I am sure most of what all of us say or write can be linked in some fashion to something else. Most would not have been intentional. At least for me. I am not that complicated.

In that... If not now, when? Now was a good time to comment. I like the title and the thoughts behind it. I look at our ability in life to steer it like the captain of a tugboat moving a barge. Slow turns only. Acceleration very gentle. I worry about running out of time. Some of my moves may take decades to take effect.

Take Care