Friday, July 07, 2006

Sailors and Business Girls

Copyright Ruth Seeley

I spotted this altered sign in a little studio/storefront on Yew Street in Vancouver's Kitsilano. It attracted a fair bit of attention on flickr (more so than most of my other photos), and I'm at a loss to understand its appeal, frankly.

It's not that great a photo, and the sign, when you look at it closely, has been altered. I've been struggling to figure out what it used to say - looks to me like 'business' has been altered from 'whores' - but then it doesn't look like 'girls' has been added. 'Working Girls' wouldn't have fit (since the 'e' is obviously part of the original signage.

Anyway, here it is. I'll go back and try to track down the sign's owner to see what s/he knows about its origins. And for the record, I'm a fourth generation 'working girl' - and none of us has been a member of the world's oldest profession.