Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Why must boys be such - boys?

The current controversy about Jonathon Narvey's Best of 604 nomination for best political blog is starting to remind me of working in the composing room at The Financial Post and watching three grown men hip butt each other as they tried to persuade the compositors to put their story on the front page above the fold. As if, snort. (Yes, I am that old - The Financial Post was a weekly when I worked there, and not part of the National Post, but co-owned by Maclean Hunter and the Toronto Sun. At least the Sun still exists as a corporate entity. And that's why the National Post has survived; it bought FP's subscriber base that had cost the Sun so much to build over the course of 10 years as a daily).

And to think I was so very flattered by Dave Olson's articulate assessment of my questioning what constitutes 'real' media versus 'unreal' media just a week or so ago (will have to look up the link for that one later; I've got photos to pick up). Update: photos not yet ready so I had time to look up the link.

Who's the jackass who complained about Narvey writing about his iPhone? Newsflash, you jostling bloggers, you: if a blog's nominated in a category, that's the category in which it belongs. Newsflash #2: most bloggers don't write about just a single subject. Check out Technorati's State of the Blogosphere 2008 if you don't believe me. And who's the other jackass who thinks the blog should be disqualified because it's 'called' Currents but is viewed at http://jnarvey.com? Give me a break.

But I'm thinking in all this that Dave Olson must be Bob Rae, Jonathon would then have to be Michael Ignatieff. Which leaves Raul, whose Twitter post first alerted me to the whole controversy, as Dion. I like it. It fits.

My only question is, where's my favourite candidate for the Liberal leadership in all of this, the adorably baby-faced Dominic LeBlanc?


Anonymous said...

Excellent coverage of this interesting local controversy. Glad to have you on my side, Ruth!

Ruth Seeley said...

LOL - note to self: check for comments more often!

Seriously though, while I may have voted for you initially because I had met you a couple of times and was more familiar with your blog and know what a great writer you are, given how ill-defined the categories were (the nominations in the humour category were just bizarre), I stand by my vote having spent some time this week looking at all the other nominees in this category.

I mean, if I really wanted to know who seconded which motion at Vancouver city council meetings, I'd paint a wall, watch the council meeting on Channel 4 out of one eye and watch the paint dry out of the other. There's a whole big world out there, and most of it is beyond Hope. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words, Ruth. I know exactly what you mean. At the same time, I recognize that I have had to focus my blog a bit more to ensure readers know what to expect. It's definitely a balancing act.